We believe that animals were created to eat grass.
Many people will describe "Grass Fed Cows" many different ways!
If you decide to buy grass fed dairy products because you have heard that it contains CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) and has a higher percentge of Omega 3 Fatty Acids, don't fool yourself when companies market their products as Grass Fed when in fact grass is only 65% of their cows' diet.
To us Grass Fed Cows means that our cows have NEVER had grain in their lifetime.
That is why we call ours: "Grass Fed ONLY Cows"
To us Grass Fed Cows means that our cows have NEVER had grain in their lifetime.
More complete protein that is more friendly to the digestion system of someone who is lactose intolerant.
we believe that a lot of digestive problems disorders and possibly even some diseases are rooted in diets.
In what you eat and even in what your food eats.
All living things need food/nutrients to grow/live, from plants to animals to human beings.
eg: If you planted some grass seed in a garbage dump and watered it and made sure that it had sufficient sunlight. What do you think would happen? It woud grow... right?? Of course, it has soil, water and sunlight (the basic needs of plants). Hold that thought...
Now take another handful of grass seed out of the same bag and plant it in a wide-open dark brown plowed field, again make sure that it has sufficient sunlight and water. Do I even have to ask if these seeds will grow?
Which plants do you think will grow better. The nutrients that were available to the "dump" seeds are going to be a lot less beneficial than the nutrients available to the plowed field seeds .
To us Grass Fed Cows means that our cows have NEVER had grain in their lifetime.
To us Grass Fed Cows means that our cows have NEVER had grain in their lifetime.
We don't push for milk production
We DO push for QUALITY!!
Happy & Healthy Cows
Happy & Healthy Customers
We take care of our animals to the best of our ability. From Calves to Cows, It hurts the farmer to see an animal in pain, just as it hurts for any parent to see their child in pain. It's our lifestyle and we wouldn't want it any other way.
To us Grass Fed Cows means that our cows have NEVER had grain in their lifetime.